Friday, December 30, 2011

Happy 2012 Yall!

As i'm sure everyone else is doing at this very moment, I cannot believe another year has already come and gone and I cannot believe how much has happened and changed in my life.  While there has been alot of disappointment - not achieving personal goals and coming to grips with the end of a relationship, there has also been alot of things to be proud of and thankful for this year.  This year started with me in the midst of my first year going back to school, looking for a new home, dealing with a troubled relationship, and just being an overall emotional basketcase!  Just 12 short months later, I am in my second year at school, maintaining a 4.0 (and becoming a new member of Mu Alpha Theta), holding down one full-time and two part-time jobs, getting adjusted to my new home, teaching dancing, preparing for my first dance review in WAY too many years, getting ready for my first nursing test in May and being newly single!  Phew . . . it's almost as exhausting listing it all as it has been going through this roller coaster of a year.

While I am still getting adjusted to all of the above, and still have good and bad days juggling it all, I am definitely in a much better place than this time last year.  I've learned that I have way more academic ability than I ever thought possible, and cannot wait to finish school and start my new career.  I am still doing "handyman" projects and painting my new home, but I couldn't adore it or my new neighborhood any more than I do right now.  After a hiatus from teaching and taking dancing, i've learned to appreciate just how hard I worked for all those years and just how out of shape I really am.  I am totally in love with seeing my beautiful babies every week in class.  They truly make my week with their little faces and singing and tumbling.  There is not much more in life more pleasing than seeing one of them smile or show me something that I have taught them!  As far as the relationship ending, well I know it's for the best but I will admit it's still a struggle.  While I know that I deserve much more, I will always love M.  I do know now more than ever though exactly what I do and do not want in a relationship and have no problem just taking my time until I find it!

This year will be dedicated to ME and only ME!  I will do everything to my best ability - study harder, work harder, save money better, be a better friend, a better daughter, dance stronger, and most importantly love myself unconditionally and above everything else!  I will make this a year to be proud of and a year like no other!  Thank you to all my friends and family who have loved me unconditionally throughout everything this year and supported me through good times and bad.  Cheers to a new beginning!

HAPPY 2012 YALL!!!