Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Wedding Wednesdays

So . . . today is the 2nd official Wedding Wednesday of the new year!  After getting off the wild romance ride I call 2011, I had serious thoughts about stopping my favorite blogging event of each week . . . Wedding Wednesday.  While i've had my heart broken before, and I know i'll bounce back better than before, feeling blah after the end of a long-term relationship makes you reconsider the fact that a wedding at any point would ever be a good idea.

Fast forward to today, while the memory of M is still in my end (mostly because we still have to work together, ugh), I have learned even more about what I do and don't want in a future hubby!  I have dedicated this year to making ME better than ever and have decided i'm totally not wrestling with the fact of if I will ever meet Mr. Right or not!  I know it will happen when it's suppose to and mostly likely when I least expect it.  So for now, I will live vicariously through my Wedding Wednesday blogs and dream of the perfect day that I know I will have some day :)

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