Monday, November 14, 2011

Things to be thankful for . . . #'s 11-13

11.  Money - Or more like the lack of it!  I've always made a decent amount of money and hope to only increase as I finish with school and get a better job.  I'm also incredible in any variety of math courses i've ever taken.  That being said, I have made (and continue to make) horrible financial decisions.  It's not something i'm proud of, but something I have started to recognize and try to change.  I'm thankful hitting sort of "rock bottom" financially not so long ago so that I can be more appreciative of what I have compared to other and so that I can hopefully start to make wiser choices for my future!

12.  My health - Probably should have been #1 but of course it didn't cross my mind the way it should.  I tend to not appreciate things as much or as often as I should until something happens that makes me realize it was there in the first place.  It's not intentional and I try not to take things for granted, but I am extremely grateful for my health and the health of those around me.  I hope to take life more seriously soon and take better care of myself while I have the opportunity to do so!

13.  My grandmother - The first thought that comes to mind when I think of my grandmother is her constantly bothering me about when I will settle down and have babies!  As if i'm not already aware that I haven't met my Prince Charming and that my biological clock is ticking!  Ugh!  But when I really think about her, I realize that she's not as young as she used to be.  And while she can run laps around me from her daily workouts at the YMCA and her weekly bowling league, I know she will not be here forever and that I need to remind her how much I adore her before I no longer have the opportunity to do so.  We aren't guaranteed tomorrow and I need to start taking advantage of today!

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