Thursday, November 10, 2011

Things to be thankful for . . . #'s 9 and 10

9.  Wedding Wednesdays on my blog - If your a follower of my blog, then you know that every Wednesday calls for a few wedding celebratory shots!  Always pics of the previous week's fav brides, wedding outfits, flower arrangements or locations.  While this may seem like become-a-bride obsession, i'd prefer to think of it as optimism.  It shows that while I have been unlucky in the love department and I often feel right now like i'll never find Mr. Right, I have the optimistic mindset that one day i'll meet my knight in shining armor and be a beautiful bride myself!

10.  2 year olds - If you have children of your own, the first thing that probably pops into your head is the "terrible twos!"  And while they do have their moments, once a week on Thursday evenings I get the aggravation/pleasure (depending on their mood) of teaching dancing to ten loud, crying, hard-to-handle 2 year olds.  They all have their days when they are fussy, tired from lacking a nap, or sick and just want their mommy.  But every now and then they do something small that just blows you away.  It can be a simple laugh or smile.  Or maybe they finally do something that you've been trying to teach them for weeks.  And at that very moment, you're heart just melts.  I totally spoil them to death, and I often feel bad for their teacher next year who will have to deal with the rotten 3 year olds!  But as cranky and unruly as they can be, I wouldn't change that hour every week when I get to help them to be one step closer to having the same feeling that dancing has always given me!

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