Friday, September 16, 2011

Belated Wedding Wednesdays!

So, i've been super busy this week.  I've decided in light of all the wonderful things happening in my life, to actually let go of someone i've been hanging on to for a while now.  I'm sure there will still be rough days but I received this advice from someone yesterday who helped me open my eyes . . .

"You know what you want in life . . . GO GET IT!"

Thank you NW.

So as of today . . . this girl is starting fresh and getting a WHOLE life makeover!  To help me start, last night was my first night back at dancing in many years.  I am teaching a large group of 2 year olds and helping with a more competitive group of 9 year olds.  Talk about a workout!  There were so many moments last night when I remembered being that confident little girl in the mirror and I have never forgotten those wonderful wooden floors and ballet barre!  I remembered how much I have forgotten and most importantly, how much I remembered.  So cheers to a new start!

Here's a few cute pics of some other gals making their own new start :)

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