Friday, September 2, 2011

The South will rise again . . .

If there's one thing i've learned from being a southern girl, it's certainly how to "ride out" a storm.  Even with amount of catastrophy inflicted upon the City of New Orleans by Katrina in 2005, our City has come back, slowly but surely.  And even with the amount of homes and belongings that I lost during Katrina, I will never become an evacuator.  I feel like danger can occur everywhere you are and often a storm can change paths and inflict more damage in other areas that predicted.

That being said, and with what appears to be our first "storm" of the season making landfall this weekend, I have composed a list of my all-time favorite necessities for riding out a storm in New Orleans.  So here goes . . .

An adorable and sturdy rugby umbrella is always a must!

A Women's squall jacket will come in handy for the rainy days, as well as the harsh winds and debris you'll be going outside picking up!

Hunter wellies are always a must for most outdoor activities and especially with our rising flood waters!  And a fun color like pink or yellow just makes then even more fun to wear just because :)

Pantry staples (in addition to lots of munchies that don't need to be cooked) re ramon noodles which just need water and plenty of H2O for all though hours spent indoors!

For lots of boring indoor time, remember some sort of adult beverages to pass the time along with board games and movies, books or music!

A cozy down comforter is definitely a must to stay snuggly when the weather or cold and rainy or just for a snuggly night when the power goes out!

So, equipped with some basics and fingers crossed that there will be more board games than boarding of windows . . . I vow to once again ride out the storm.  And even if Mother Nature unleashes her wrath of fury once again . . .

I know the South will rise again!

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