Monday, September 12, 2011

I've Got a Friend in the Stage . . .

After many many years of dancing throughout my life, I find myself back to the stage where I began.  My old muscles and bones don't let me do some (or most) of the things I used to do, but i'm, gonna see just what this old body can do.  Along with me trying to pick up the dancing shoes again, I will also be teaching again too!  A wonderful new class of babies ranging from 18 months to 2 1/2 years old.  There are often more tears than smiles but i'm gonna do my best to change that this year.  In anticipation of our first dancing class this Thursday, I have made them little dancing diva goody bags - complete with princess lip gloss, candies, swirly straws, play-doh and princess wands!  I hope they enjoy getting as much I enjoy giving!

I'll be sure to keep you all involved via pics until my beautiful babies get to have their first stage experience next May!

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