Wednesday, July 20, 2011

And With the Wave of a Wand . . .

While I think every girl on the entire planet has had a bad hair day, i'm beginning to think i'm just having a bad hair life!  So here's the Cliff's Notes version . . .

Chapter 1: I Want My Hair To Look Like Hers
When I was growing up (mainly in my teen years), I was sooo envious of all the different things other girls would do to their hair.  My mother (being all protective and OCD) would never let me cut my hair short, or try the latest trend, or NEVER EVER color it!  That was just taboo!  So after many, many years of my growing hair envy for just about every other girl in the world, I learned to accept my "virgin" hair.  I would go to get it cut and it was always complimented by the stylists.  "It's so shiny and healthy" they'd say.  I'd smile and say thank you.  "Whatever lady, you have to compliment me cause i'm paying you" was what really crossed my mind.

Chapter 2: A New-Found Appreciation
In my 20's, I then learned to become grateful for my mother being so conservative and hindering me from making all the horrible hair mistakes she had made as a young girl.  But there was one problem.  My hair was shiny and healthy and long and thick and straighter than any styling tool could ever make hair . . . but it was completely unmanageable.  Impossible you say?  Oh no, this is correct.  I then found out that my virginal hair was SO healthy that it was "too soft" and impossible to style.  Ugh!  The hair gods strike again.

Chapter 3: What Do The Boys Like?
If there is anything i've learned from my newly-found singleness, it's that (while it doesn't hurt to make a boy happy and try new things), it certainly shouldn't be allowed that you change who you really are for them.  Partially because I was getting antsy from my lack of hair evolution, and partially because my ex was always telling me that I should "try something new," I decided to make my first hair-coloring appointment.  Scared to death and with a massive pile of pictures in tow, I made my way to "S" to see what miracles she could perform on my not-so-trendy do!  While I explained that I was not comfortable with change but was venturing to try something new, she did the unthinkable . . . she whipped out her magic coloring wand and gave me what she called a "sun-kissed" look.  While I felt like I had undergone the kind of change that only comes with a mid-life crisis, apparently the change was so subtle that no one even noticed.  And no, not even the boyfriend.  Ugh!

Chapter 4: Breaking Out The Big Guns
I needed change!  Change is good right?!  It brings freshness and life to things that were once so dull . . . O . . . M . . . G . . . what have I done!  While S was super excited that I wanted to make this new change to a beautiful golden blonde, I was very uneasy about it.  But people do this all the time.  It's JUST hair right.  It will always grow out or can be changed back.  I turned around and looked in the mirror and this was not the girl I once knew.  I was totally not meant to be anything other than a brunette!  What have I done to change myself to make someone else like me more?!

Chapter 5: For Better or Worse . . .
Equipped with a new life as a single girl . . . and with a new colorist on speed dial, I am now an almost mid-30s girl who is content on being brunette again.  After all, I did like who I was to start with, and this was the girl who he once fell in love with right?!  So long story short, or long story long really (cause i'm a rambler), my hair turned out WAY too brown.  It's lightened a little due to chemical fading and my lack of use of a color-preserving shampoo, but it's incredibly unhealthy and very very brown.  But nevertheless, it's what I want and if anything is going to change, it's going to be because it was my choice!

So, what's a girl to do now???  Maybe i'll give S a call and get her to do some highlights.  After all, it IS summer and shouldn't I be sporting that "sun-kissed look?"

1 comment:

  1. Hello Miss Preppy,

    I always envied your hair when we were younger, and at 30 finally learned to love these locks:) I am natural again also, however I will not give up the magic wand, my highlights are tooo hot:)

    lets lunch soon,

