Monday, July 25, 2011

Kicking the Bucket

One of my biggest problems in life is procrastination.  Not with small things - like laundry, or grocery shopping, or working out (I think everyone has problems with procrastination of things that are unappealing really) - but with going out and doing things that I really want to do . . . that random vacay to a small island, the Kentucky Derby, a Red Sox game, Martha's Vineyard . . . you get the point.  My problem is that I always tell myself "i'll do it next week, next month, next year" or "when I get to this age, this point with work, etc."  But the problem is, I never actually get around to "it."  I always find a reason that I can't afford it, I can't take off of work, or find some way to make myself feel guilty about enjoying something.  

But that is about to change!  I've decided to write MY Bucket List . . . before I actually kick the bucket!  lol.  I've never seen the movie but find the idea of a "Life Checklist" very appealing.  I'm a list-maker!  I will actually for vacations make lists of the lists that I need to make (e.g., placing "packing list" on a larger list of things to do in preparation).  Hello, OCD calling . . . lol.  

So as I stumbled across this "to do" this morning, I decided it would go on my personal bucket list.  Because tomorrow's not guaranteed, and today is just one day closer to kicking the bucket!

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