Friday, July 22, 2011

Time To Put On My Game Face!

So if you've been following along with my all my trials and tribulations, to the list I must now add my skin.  I'm not sure that anyone but a southern girl (muchless a Louisiana one) can truly understand the skin problems that can be caused by the intense heat and humidity that comes along about this time of year.  While I absolutely adore living in NOLA and am totally in love with all its charm, I cannot say the same about the humidity.  I really respect all the comments about how miserable it is dealing with dry skin in the North, but I cannot feel any pity for you patchy people.  There is no feeling like a wonderful July day in New Orleans when you take a shower, get all dolled up for some q.t. with your hunny or maybe a fun Girls Night Out . . . then you walk out the door and start dripping with sweat (don't even get me started on lotion and the humidity . . . then you're just all slimy)!

For most of my teen years, I had the usual breakouts and then it was suppose to stop.  Right?!  I mean you expect it with puberty and hormones and stress and all, but now as a 30s-ish gal it's just ewww!  I've used EVERY wash, scrub, mask, exfoliator, prescription cream, antibiotic under the sun and now I must accept my destiny.  My mother (50s-ish) and my grandmother (70s-ish) still both have severe acne.  So as far as I can tell, i'm stuck with somewhat problem skin forever.  I have however found some good combinations of products and medications to control it as much as possible but the combination of dryness from products with the humidity of the summers in NO is sometimes too much for my poor, over-producted face.

That being said, in light of all my healthy lifestyle changes, I have decided to dedicate more time and energy into caring properly for my skin instead of sun-worshiping and over-producting it.  (I DO apologize to it for all the Retin-A, antibiotic-type products and medications i've tried to kill it with).  Honestly i'm surprised it's as healthy as it is.  So more water, veggies, fruits and hydration is on the menu and let's not forget my heavenly La Mer eye cream without which my life would not be complete!  Very expensive but VERY worth it!

So, cheers to a new ME and (fingers crossed) to stumbling upon the ever-coveted fountain of youth this summer!

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