Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Preppy Pages

So, as research for my new adventures in blogging, and because I have seem to have so much down time on my summer break from school, I decided to start my own Preppy Book Collection!

My first purchase is True Prep by Lisa Birnbach.  As the author of The Official Preppy Handbook some 30 years ago, Birnbach looks at how the old-world preppies have now adapted to the new order of the internet, cell phones, rehab, political correctness, reality tv, etc.  While somewhat mocking of the classic preppy lifestyle, this book is adorable with all its cliche "Hamptons" references and stories about the life of the elite.  Although i'm only about 50 pages in, I definitely think it's a fun, light-hearted summer read for any Southern gal!

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