Friday, July 22, 2011

Sippin' in Pink and Green!

I remember a long, long time ago (like 10 years ago) when I was still able to go out and drink till all hours of the night and wake up without a hangover.  Then a few years later (like 5 years ago) there came a time when I could still "hang" with the young college crowd but had to start limiting the type of alcohol I drank to alleviate the hangover factor.  And now, well, we'll just say I know more 5-year olds who have a later bedtime than me! Lol!  But nevertheless, my conservative cocktails are usually limited to a few beers or glasses of wine.  I can't drink hard alcohol pretty much ever but the temptation is still there.

That being said, I love the idea of cocktails having a "theme" or being used as an "accessory."  Here's an adorable cocktail i'll be trying this weekend with the ever-preppy theme of pink and green.  How much girlier and fun can you get?!  So cheers to sippin' this weekend in true preppy fashion!

The Alfieri

2 ounces Pama pomegranate liqueur
2 ounces tequila
Juice of 1/2 lime, plus a lime wedge to garnish
1/4 teaspoon powdered sugar
Club soda

Mix the Pama, tequila, lime juice and sugar in a tall glass, and stir to dissolve the sugar. Fill the glass three-quarters full of ice, and then top with club soda. Garnish with the lime wedge.

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