Sunday, July 3, 2011

Saved by Script!

Where do I begin??  Let's start with my love of my boat totes!  While some people may need fancy fashion designer luggage to tote all their goodies around in, I have always adored my Beanie Totes!  I had several different sizes and colors (of course all monogrammed)!  They are sturdy and always remain classic and preppy!  That being said . . . after my recent move to my new adorable Uptown cottage, I found unpacking that they seemed a little dirty and worn.  After reading several reviews and seeking the advice of a few fellow toters, I made the decision to wash my Beanies!  Unfortunately my washer and my totes got into an altercation and the washer won the war :(

Take Two . . . sad but in survival mode, I finally get around to re-ordering a new Beanie the other day when what?  No way!  L.L. Bean has retired their traditional three-letter script monogram!  How could they?!  I had officially lost hope in this great country and all its tradition!  This may seem drastic, but L.L. Bean is part of american style and a true preppy's closet . . . and they had failed me.  Nevertheless, I embarked on an internet journey to find something similar.  Then in a stack of old catalogs my eyes spotted a Land's End catalog.  Yipee!  After logging on to their site, I discovered that not only did they also have "Beanie Totes," but they were available immediately, for a less expensive price, have built-in lined pockets . . . and yes, with a three-letter script monogram!  Thank you Land's End for restoring my faith in mankind :)

Here's my wonderful new tote in adorable rhododendrun for the summer!

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