Tuesday, July 12, 2011

How To Treat A Southern Woman

I am totally in love with this section of Southern Proper's website called "Pransey P.!"  If my future hubby is out there . . . he better get to googling this ;)  This post is soooo adorable!!!

Gentleman of the South, this is a must read. While us women may be confusing, hard to read, or just downright crazy- we are what makes the world go ’round. You men may be the head, but we are the neck, turning the head any which way we please. Knowing how to swoon, charm, and capture our hearts will get you far in life. Learning early on how to love us right ain’t easy, but luckily, you gentleman won’t regret following these simple steps. - Be compassionate and understanding. Us women want to be able to tell our girls, “Oh, he is such a good man.” We want a man to tell us often how important we are to him, as well as showing that with his actions. We love the little things in life, so don’t ever think a kind deed is not enough. - Real simple: hold the door, and make sure you open the car door. Always. There’s never an excuse not too unless your gal really insists. Even then, fight for it. Chivalry is not dead. - Hold her hand as much as you can. This simple act doesn’t get enough credit. - It’s always better to be polite than always right. Pick your battles. Don’t always try to get the last word in. You’ll end up with a door slammed in your face, with a potential silent treatment to follow. - Give thoughtful gifts. Women love surprises! The price tag is irrelevant when entering this arena. See what she likes, what she appreciates, and go from there. Unexpected little gifts are key- it shows her that you were just thinking about her. - Flowers. Now boys, this is at the heart of simplicity. You can order online at flowers.com, or simply swing by a store. Yes gentlemen, even Kroger and Publix can provide this for you. Bouquets aren’t always necessary. If she really likes yellow roses, just getting her a single yellow rose with a nice ribbon will steal her heart. - Now listen up to this one; when you are with her, pay attention to her. I know the blackberry, iPhone days are goin’ strong, but make sure you are “here” when she’s around. There’s nothing more distasteful than ignoring your woman. - Be polite and complimentary. Always say “thank you,” “please,” “i’m sorry,” and “I promise.” Use sweet words with her. Your mama should have taught you this well. If not, work off of it. “Sweetheart, darlin’, girl” work fine. Rest assured, she’s gonna love it. At all costs, avoid “dude.” Unless you’re following that statement with a slap on the backside and a cold beer, don’t go there. - Be a good communicator. Danger words, “fine,” “whatever,” etc. Be honest and speak your mind, with a filter please. Make sure she knows where you stand, how you’re feeling, what’s going on. As much as you boys think we are nuts, men have their moments too. Don’t make her play a guessing game. - Make an effort to get to know her family and friends. Go out of your way to impress them. Women care a lot about what people close to them think. If her friends and family aren’t impressed, then frankly, give her two weeks until it’s over. - Compliment her, always. - Avoid jealousy at all costs. If your woman says she loves you and is faithful, trust her. Yes, women need to get better at this too. Trust makes the world go around, and literally y’all, ain’t nothing worse than a crazy boyfriend. - Last but certainly not least, if y’all have reached this point in a relationship, say the three words people are scared to death to say. “I love you” says it all. If you can’t muster those words, use Blake Shelton’s “Honeybee” lyrics to help guide you. If she’s a born and bred Southern girl, she’ll love that just as much. Alright gentlemen, go forth and conquer. Good luck! Simply Sweet, Pransey

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