Monday, July 4, 2011

Reason enough for a run!

While I am by no means in shape to go out and sign up for my first marathon, I have recently tried several tactics to get me back into more of a "rectangular shape" than a "round" one . . . and use my running shoes for more than just decoration next to my front door or my usual Saturday morning errands.  From downloading the latest apps (my favorite being titled "Couch to 5K," cause there's not much else more motivating than purchasing something with the word couch in it), to buying the newest coaching equipment (e.g., my NikeID sensor that I still haven't figured out exactly how to use), to making workout dates with friends (so that the guilt I felt for canceling on them could quite possibly shame me into working out), there's one thing that I have realized . . . it was never going to happen until I wanted it to!

That being said, I took an 18-day hiatus from forcing myself to do anything and today woke up with the desire to get outside and run.  It wasn't a marathon workout, or even a "5K-ish" type of one, but it felt good to unhook all the apps, forget about all the sensors, and just enjoy my new neighbor . . . Audubon Park.  For those of you who are not familiar with this beautiful New Orleans sanctuary, Audubon Park is a favorite spot for recreational activities, picnics or just enjoying a beautiful day!  There are gorgeous live Oak trees, lagoons, playgrounds, tennis courts, soccer fields and a beautifully-landscaped golf course.  But most importantly, it contains a tranquil 1.8 mile jogging path through all this heavenly-ness!

After my recent move back Uptown, I am now only a block away from this wonderful oasis!  There are no excuses for working out anymore.  No headaches about getting in the car and sitting in traffic to get to the gym.  No schedule where i'm going to miss the next pilates class.  It's just me, a path and the most beautiful landscape that God could create . . . and to me, that's reason enough for a run!

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